All posts tagged: girlfriend

So, Your Son Has a Crush

So, your son has a crush — maybe even a “girlfriend.” Somehow we parents never think our children are old enough — for whatever it is they are embarking upon, albeit even the most natural and age-appropriate thing. Like a crush. Child development experts say these crushes can typically evolve in 5th or 6th grade. Yep. By the way, do you remember your first crush? I remember mine like it was yesterday. Can still feel the flutter of the butterflies in my stomach. I was in the 6th grade. Funny. Here I am, remembering my first crush. In the 6th grade. Right there in Mr. Miller’s homeroom class. I can see the guy’s (dirty blond, wavy) hair right in front of me now. But . . . here . . . today . . . oh so many years later . . . My son can’t possibly be old enough, mature enough, developed enough, to feel those fluttery butterflies in his little tummy too, can he? There I was in 6th grade, and now here …